Monday, May 4, 2009

The One That Got Away Got Married

We all have that one that got away. Mine, we'll call Sam. I met Sam four years ago, April. We immediately hit it off and began dating. In just a few weeks, he found out that his ex-girlfriend was pregnant. We decided to break things off, but still be friends. The problem is we couldn't stay away from eachother. We were falling in love.

That winter the baby was born, and the following spring we had to finally and truly break things off. He moved a few states away in an attempt to follow his baby's mother. We continued to talk on the phone and keep up with one another. Even when I started dating someone else he was still there for me.

Getting over him was hard. I still consider him the only man that I have ever loved. He compares to no other man I have ever been with. He felt like the one at the time, but we both knew it wouldn't last. When he moved we both knew it was best for him. I eventually accepted it and moved on, but I have never forgotten about him, even when we stopped talking a couple years back.

About two weeks ago, I joined the ever popular fad of social networking by finally getting a Facebook page. I decided to look Sam up to see what he had been up to. I found him. His profile pic was of him and his child. I thought, hey I can friend him there is no harm in that. A few hours later he accepted my friendship, and I went to check out his page, starting with his info. There it was....


I immediately turned off the internet and went to bed. I didn't want to read anymore.

I didn't seem to sleep all night. I tossed and turned. All I could think was that he was married. Now I wasn't wishing it was me; it was just such a shock. I knew that we had both moved on. It had been two years since we had last spoken even. But married? How could he be married? I may have been a tad envious of her, but I didn't want to be her. I don't want to be married. And while he is still the only man I ever loved, I don't even want to be with him. It's just weird. My first real boyfriend got married like a year ago and it was and is no big deal at all. But with Sam it is different. I really loved him. Now someone else has his love. I feel like I am no longer allowed to be apart of his life or his memory.

He still lives states away with her and his child, and I think she is even pregnant. I am happy for him though. I loved him and I, of course, want him to have everything. That's all I ever wanted for him. He made me realize with true love that you can let the person go. He left and while it hurt, I was happy that he was going to be a daddy. I miss him; I do, but this is life. He is married. I am single. Tomorrow is a new day.

Always- LSG

1 comment:

  1. So sad. I'm sorry. Your perspective is good, though.

    I'm YEARS older than you -- in my forties -- married for a long time and I still have feelings for the one who got away in my twenties. We were separated through a set of bizarre circumstances. Though I love my husband, what I felt for this one was something different and off the charts. So, yes, I pine for him sometimes.

    Never really goes away.
