Saturday, May 30, 2009

Cookie Cutting

Have you ever wanted to cookie cut someone out of your life? I have done it before to minor friends or frenemies. Now I want to cookie cut out my best friend. She is a tad crazy. She lives in another world where only she is right. She is getting clingly and becoming a creeper.

She joined Facebook but has like 3 friends. She doesn't interact and is never on it. Then she tells me she wants to delete it. But doesn't because she likes that she can be nosy. And she even does it to me. She gets on and starts going to back posts and putting her two cents into conversations I am having with other people.

She does the same thing with real life. She wants to know if I am going out and then she won't go out. She texts about what I am doing, who I am with, when I am going home. It gets so annoying. If she doesn't want to go out then why all the questions. She once told me that all this was her trying to live vicariously through me. WTF does that mean?

She has more drama than anyone I know. She calls at least once a week, if not more, with some crazy or horrible thing that happened to her. It gets old after awhile. How can someone have so much drama in their life. I am sick of hearing her drama and hearing her whine. We are supposed to be there fo our friends, but she gets a little out of control. She has more problems than anyone I know.

Maybe we are just going through a rough patch or maybe I am just being a bitch.

There was a party at our mutual best friend's (sara) house the other day. I didn't want to go bc she was there. She spent the entire time texting and calling me wondering when I was coming over. I told her I was doing other things and didn't know if I would make it. She continued to bug me.

This is me ranting.

Always- LSG


  1. Are you two best friends because she's so clingy or is there a legit basis for this friendship? Perhaps it's time to reconsider.
    I am going through the same thing with a friend of mine, so I can definitely sympathize. Sometimes, I just want to shake her and be like, "You. have. got. TOO. MUCH. DRAMA."

  2. We have been friends since high school. I just graduated college. We have "broken up" before, but those break ups have nothing to do with the problems I am having now. I am sorry you are going thru the same thing, Sassy, but it's good to know I am not the only one who is annoyed by her best friend. I feel like a horrible person for feeling this way.

  3. That does sound completely annoying. I think every friendship has its ups and downs if it lasts long enough (and obviously this one has). But... there comes a time when you have to determine if the good outweighs the bad. Have you considered just not catering to the annoying stuff she does? Make you Facebook private from her (I think there's a limited setting where she can't see certain things), just ignore those phone calls completely, etc. Or maybe you need to have a heart to heart with her and use the, "I feel like ____" card. Don't say, "You're doing this," but "I feel like this when you do this..." Trust me. ;)

  4. What is it with you chicks and your crazy mates? ;-)

    Repeat after me... delete their number!!! ;-)

  5. Pursuit- Believe I do ignore her. When it comes to facebook I don't respond to her random annoying comments. I ignore her texts and phone calls often. You would think she would see there is a problem since she always calls me and I never call her. Confronting her is hard though. I try not to do it a lot b/c she gets so upset. She starts crying and freaking out. I would rather not deal with it.

    Mark- deleting her number is just not that simple. I can't just delete her so easily. She is my best friend. Well I guess not if she is so annoying. Cookie cutting is a process.

  6. I think there's got to be a talk... you can't let her make you miserable on and on.

  7. Blah. I don't want to have to actually talk to her. Oh the drama it will cause. I would rather just keep on trying to ignore her. I know I am lame.
