Sunday, May 31, 2009

Blog Award

Pursuit from Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Matching Accessories-

tagged me for a blog award.

The goals of this award...

1. As a dedication to those who love blogging and love to encourage friendships through blogging

2. To seek the reasons why we all love blogging

3. Put the award in one post as soon as you receive it!

4. Don't forget to mention the person who gave you the award5. Answer the awards question by writing the reason you love blogging

I like blogging because I can rant about my life and tell my stories without having to worry that others are judging me. I can talk to people who aren't present (in person) in my everyday life about what is going on. Like Pursuit said, it is like a diary. I only starting blogging like a month ago but I am loving it. I like reading other people's blogs and comparing our lives.

6. Tag and distribute this award to as many people as you like. Don't forget to notify the award receivers and put their links in your postSo here goes! I'm tagging:

Pursuit already tagged some of the people that I would have tagged and I am a new blogger so I don't have a ton of blogs that I read. I will tag the very first blog I found and started reading.

Victoria from Advice from a Single Girl. -
She blogs almost every day like clockwork and is entertaining, even when her blogs are just a sentence. She is very good at getting her readers involved in the conversation
Thanks Pursuit!!
Always- LSG

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Cookie Cutting

Have you ever wanted to cookie cut someone out of your life? I have done it before to minor friends or frenemies. Now I want to cookie cut out my best friend. She is a tad crazy. She lives in another world where only she is right. She is getting clingly and becoming a creeper.

She joined Facebook but has like 3 friends. She doesn't interact and is never on it. Then she tells me she wants to delete it. But doesn't because she likes that she can be nosy. And she even does it to me. She gets on and starts going to back posts and putting her two cents into conversations I am having with other people.

She does the same thing with real life. She wants to know if I am going out and then she won't go out. She texts about what I am doing, who I am with, when I am going home. It gets so annoying. If she doesn't want to go out then why all the questions. She once told me that all this was her trying to live vicariously through me. WTF does that mean?

She has more drama than anyone I know. She calls at least once a week, if not more, with some crazy or horrible thing that happened to her. It gets old after awhile. How can someone have so much drama in their life. I am sick of hearing her drama and hearing her whine. We are supposed to be there fo our friends, but she gets a little out of control. She has more problems than anyone I know.

Maybe we are just going through a rough patch or maybe I am just being a bitch.

There was a party at our mutual best friend's (sara) house the other day. I didn't want to go bc she was there. She spent the entire time texting and calling me wondering when I was coming over. I told her I was doing other things and didn't know if I would make it. She continued to bug me.

This is me ranting.

Always- LSG

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Drawbacks of Being Single: 3

So I was in the bathroom trying to wash my make-up brushes. I am almost done (I have a lot of brushes, I'm a make up freak) when I realize that my bathroom floor is all wet. I grab a towel and start wiping the floor. I open the cabinet under the sink and it is all flooded. I empty the cabinet and start wiping it down.

I am so annoyed. I am down there screwing around thinking I can fix it. What do I know about these things. A man could look at this. He would know more about fix it stuff. But I am all alone with a flooded bathroom. Tomorrow I will have to call the apt. people and have them come look at. It would be easier if "my" man could help me. But I don't have one. Oh well. Life goes on.

Always- LSG

Summer Bet

My younger brother, who is 21, moved to Germany over the weekend for a twelve week internship. I already miss him. Anyway, he bet my dad he couldn't lose 12% of his body weight by the time he gets back to the states. My dad said he would do even better and lose 14%.

Then My dad decides to get more of us involved. He bet my aunt, three cousins(17, 20, 22) and me to lose 12% of our weight by the end of summer also. He said he would give everyone that succeeds $100 and split the money of those who don't succeed between those of us who do. So the bet started Sunday. I have 12 weeks. I haven't even started. Blah. Why am I so lazy? In high school I used to work out all the time. Then college happened and I don't know what.

I must find some motivation. I can't let the others win. Well we should all win. If they can do it then so can I. I just have to get off my lazy ass. And stop eating nachos (my favourite food).

Always- LSG

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Talk

I had a very long talk with Guy Friend last night. It began with him asking me when we were going to go on a date. I was like I don't know. He said, "you think I am kidding, but I am not. I really want to go on a date with you." Then we started to talk about everything.

He thinks John and all the other guys he has seen me with have treated me like crap. He says that I deserve the best and that he wants to be that man. It sounded so sweet. I mean I have always had a little crush on Guy Friend. And apparently he has always felt the same way about me, but didn't want to hurt our friendship.

I brought up all the things that make him, well, not good boyfriend material. We went through every point that I had. He explained to me that he pretty much had a come to Jesus moment a few weeks ago. He wants to get his life in order. He says he has all these plans. He wants to do something with his life. He is working full time and trying to move out of his mom's house again. He says he wants to go back to school too. He wants to lose friends that aren't good for him and move on to bigger and better things. This all sounds great, but I am still skeptical.

I brought up John. He says he doesn't care about John. He says John is one of the friends he needs to move on from.

I do have feelings for Guy Friend. I just need to know if he really means everything he says. Still not going to make any big decisions. We will continue to hang out as friends. And if the time comes that I feel I'm ready then I'll let him know.

Always- LSG

Monday, May 25, 2009

My Weekend

Okay, so it's three in the morning and I can't sleep. Guy Friend is in the living room asleep on my couch. He was there last night too. Hmmm. I did not offer for him to sleep in my bed last night, but I thought he might come in anyway. We have slept (not sex, actual sleeping) in my bed together before. He didn't, however. One of my girlfriends thinks he is taking things slow and trying not to push himself on me.

Tonight we watched a movie in my bed, and he fell asleep. I figured he would stay here. He said he was going to the couch because he had to get up early and didn't want to wake me up. I told him that he would not wake me up, and if he did no big deal. He still went to the couch.

So we have spent the last three nights hanging out together. He hasn't really tried to have a "talk" with me, but I know he is thinking things. Last night we pretty much spent the whole night playing footsie at a friends house on the couch. And he made it a point to tell me how hot and pretty I was. He said I always laugh at things he says like that. I told I always thought it was a joke or him trying to get in my pants. He was like, 'no I am serious. I have always thought that about you.'

Of course we are getting closer. I have tried to get with him before. It was over a year ago. During that time we did get really close, but nothing ever happened. Now he says the time is right for him, and that it wasn't then. I am still planning to go with the flow. I don't want to make any decisions yet.

Also- the whole reason Guy Friend brought up the two of us dating was because I was telling him how annoyed with John I am. John has been acting like two different people. When we are in public he acts like my boyfriend. But when we are in the bedroom he makes sure I know it is just sex and nothing more. Okay I get that, but don't act like it's more when we are around other people. I am just so sick of dealing with him. I was telling Guy Friend all this and how I should just stop it. I told him he should help me and make sure that I just stop it. I keep going back to John because 1- I'm horny and 2-It's easy. Not reasons to continue along some crazy path of I don't even know what with somepone.

Always- LSG

Friday, May 22, 2009

I'm Intrigued

I picked up my friend from work today, and we hung out for a bit before I had to go to dinner with the Fam. This friend is probably one of my best guy friends. We were at my apartment and I was talking to him about John and how I just need to stop hanging out with him. I hung out with John the night before. This guy friend is also really good friends with John. Suddenly he says to me, 'well why don't you and I date.' I say, 'what, that doesn't make sense in my head.' He says, 'well it does in mine.'

Guy Friend and I have always had a sexual tension between us. I have tried to get with him before, but he said that we were too good of friends. I bring this up in our conversation and he tells me that the time wasn't right then.

After dinner we meet back up to go to the bar. He brings up the two of us dating again. He then said something about us being good friends. I tell him that I am really intrigued by the idea, but we are close friends. I have dated friends before. Not such a great idea. He says he has always thought I was cute and has always liked me. I have had a crush on him since I have met him. We met like 3 or 4 years ago.

I'm thinking I shouldn't make any decisions and just go with the flow. He isn't really boyfriend material, but I do like him. I mean he is one of my best friends. If something happens then it happens. If it doesn't then we stay friends. He did text when he got home tonight telling me how much fun he had hanging out with me today and that we should do it again. Of course we will hang out again. We talk all the time. Just something new to happen today. I'm still intrigued by the idea of Guy Friend and me, but not gonna say ' yes, lets date.'

Always- LSG

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Yay For Being Single.

So I have kind of been reading this book on and off. I say on and off b/c with school it's hard to find time to really read what I want. But school is over and I can read all I want. Anyway, the book is Better Single Than Sorry by Jen Schefft. She was on the the bachelor and turned down the proposal; then she was on the Bachelorette and didn't ask either guy to marry her. It is a really good book about being a single 20-something and not only accepting it, but being proud and happy about it.

She has this list call "50 Reasons Why It's Great to be Single." I liked it and wanted to share a few of them with you.
-You have no responsibilities to anyone else but yourself.
-You shave your legs only when you feel like it.
- The toilet seat is always down.
- You don't have to watch your boyfriend play video games.
- You have the whole bed to yourself.
- Watching whatever you want on TV.
- No one steals the blanket when you're asleep.
- The alarm clock is set for when you need to wake up, and not earlier.
- You can go to events with friends and not worry about your boyfriend fitting in.
- No guys over for the big game.
- The possibility of meeting someone special.
- You no longer "get in trouble."
-That all-consuming lust that you only experience at the beginning of a relationship.
-The only morning breath you have to deal with is your own.
That's only a few from the list, but I hope it made you smile.
Always- LSG
[all credit for 50 Reasons Why it's Great to be Single to Better Single than Sorry by Jen Schefft, copyright 2007 by Jen Schefft.]

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


It's hard to feel compassion when your best friend finally breaks up with her douchebag boyfriend. It took you a year and a half to kick him to the curb. I would have done it a long time ago. But now she is sad. She says she loves him and what if he's the one. Well if he was the one he wouldn't be such an asshole; at least that's my opinion. She deserves better but I fear she will go back to him so she is not alone. I want to be supportive but it is really hard listening to talk and talk and talk about whether she made the right decision. And every reason I give her for why it was right she has a counter-attack for some stupid thing he did like carry her purse. Yeah, that's why you should date him, because he carries your purse. Forget that he cheated on you and may never amount to anything in life. I feel like a total bitch, but really I have been listening to this for far too long.

How do I be supportive but still state my opinion? How did I be supportive and not go crazy listening to the all the stupids reasons why she loves him?

Always- LSG

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

FwB Series: 4- past

The New Girlfriend

When we last left the story of John, he and I had been FwBs from about October to about Aprilish (2008). At this point, that spring, things were beginning to slow down. For like a couple of weeks he wasn't answering my calls and ignoring my texts. I thought it was weird. Then one night I was hanging out with one of our mutual friends who told me John was on a date that night. I was a little perturbed. Not so much that he had found someone else put that he had just left me hanging.

I am glad our friend told me he was dating someone b/c the next night we were all at the bar with friends. And if I hadn't known he was dating someone else I would have been all touchy feely with him like normal. That would have bben really bad b/c it turns out his new girlfriend was a waitress at our favorite bar.

He only dated her for like a month or so. Then she stopped answering his phone calls and avoiding him. And thats how John got a new girlfriend and how his new girlfriend broke up with.

Then of course he wanted to come back to me. I wasn't so quick to take him back though. I was a little upset that he never told me about his new girlfriend and I had to find out from our friend. Not only that but the whole time they were dating he pretending I didn't exist. We have the same group of friends so we would be together a lot. He wouldn't talk to me or look at me or anything. We were friends. But he pretended we weren't.

One night we were messing around on the couch and I stopped it to tell him all this. He was so apologetic about everything. I don't know how sorry he really was or if he was just willing to say anything to get me back into bed. We got into a little argument and I told him I would let him know. Of course, the horny bitch that I am, went back to him as FwBs. This would continue for a few more months. Then I would tell him for the first time that I had realized that I had feelings for him.

To be continued..

Always- LSG

Monday, May 18, 2009

Just checking to see how this text to blog thing works

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Drawbacks of Being Single: 2

I wanted to go out and celebrate my graduation last night. I thought my friends were all down for it. But it turned out: some made plans with others, somegot too drunk the night before, some were just to tired and stayed home. Next thing I know I have no one to spend my graduation night with. I was totally bummed so I called my married friend, Sara, who still likes to party. She and her husband were having friends over and had got a hold of a free keg. I decided to head over there. The thing is I have learned not just last night, but lost of nights, that I can't rely on anyone but myself. Sometimes I don't even trust my friends. They aren't reliable, even my best friends. Maybe I'm just outgrowing them. I think if I had had a guy in my life then he would have been there with me. I would not have been alone last night.

In the end I had a blast at Sara's house. Plus a friend of her's that I have had a crush on for years is newly single. I spent some time hanging out with him. We were the only smokers in the group so we did spend some time outside alone together.

Always- LSG

FwB Series: 3-past

So the story begins...
I met John over two years ago. It was like February. We met at bar through mutual friends. After the bar a bunch of us went over to one of the guy's house. Once there John and I sat out on the porch talking and smoking. We were talking and he started to basically tell me my own philosophy on religion, which is another post. Not many ppl see religion the way I do so I was amazed, impressed and intrigued. He definately began to reel me in. I could tell he was into me and wanted to go home with me, but at the time I had a boyfriend. He and I soon broke up with in a couple of weeks, for totally different reasons. That's a pretty good story too.

I didn't see him again til the summer. It was at a house party of some guys we both knew. We spent the entire party with eachother....making out. I eventually had to go home and he walked me to my car. He continued to kiss me. He didn't want me to leave or at least he wanted to go home with me. I wouldn't let him. It was still too early. Later that week we hung out together. He did come home with me that night and we did the deed. It was good and I wanted to see him again.

We tried to start dating and hanging out but things just didn't seem to work. He had a problem answering his phone and making plans. I have since learned he hasn't really been in a lot of relationships, especially ones that lasted more than a month or more. I finally got fed up when I called him one night to hang out. He said he would call me later and we would meet up. He called me at like 3 in the morning and was totally fucked up. He just wanted to come over and have sex with me. I was so angry. That's when we stopped seeing eachother the first time.

That fall when we were all hanging out at a friends house he was definately making it clear to me that he wanted me in the bedroom. I was horny too so I said whatever and we went to my apartment. I didn't think it was a big deal. It would be one night and not a big deal I mean we had done it before.

A month later I was out of town at my grandparents' house when I got a text form him that night. It was his birthday and he wanted birthday sex. I told him I was out of town but I would call him when I was back in town. Thus began our time as friends with benefits. This would last until late the next spring. To be continued...

Always- LSG

I Did It!!

I officially graduated from college yesterday and it feels absolutely amazing. It was so great to sleep in today and not have to worry about having to get up and write papers or study. I feel so free, especially since this past finals week has felt like a total blur to me. This summer I will spend doing nothing. I'll work like three days a week and the rest of the time is all mine because in August I will get my ass kicked when Law School starts. Also I am so excited to start reading for FUN!! I love to read and it is so hard when I have to read books for school all the time. I already have a pile of books I want to read this summer. If you have any more suggestions let me know. I hope everyone has a great summer. We'll keep in touch. One of the things I can do this summer is blog more.

Always- LSG

Friday, May 15, 2009

FwB Series: 2-Current

I seem to be constantly messing things up with John. Well not really messing them up, more like making it more awkward. I just can't help myself. He makes me so crazy. I want him so bad. After almost two years of being FwBs how could this not happen? We have tried the dating thing a couple of times and it just didn't work. And when we are together everyone assumes that we are probably more than just FwB. He acts mroe than that when we are together. And we are friends. We are great friends. I can't imagine what it would be like if he just wasn't there anymore.

So last Saturday I went to the bar with some friends and he was there too. When we go out we sit together. We hold hands and tell eachother secrets. We even give each other little kisses. Sometimes he comes on too strong in public and I have to push him back. I thought maybe it all meant more than jsut what we are. Others have told me that he is just marking his territory out in public so other know that I am taken for the evening.

Later that night we were lying in bed and I asked him why we aren't together. He said it was because we don't work together. I try to tell him how I feel and how we have been like this for so long. he says "we are just friends with benefits." Yeah, that hurt. Am I just living in my own world. He says he thinks I can't be happy staying right how we are. I don't know what to think anymore. He acts like it's more and then suddenly it's nothing. The thing is he isn't dating anyone else and he certainly isn't sleeping with anyone else. I am the only one in his life like me. Sometimes I think I could fall in love with him. He is more than just sex to me. He is someone I can have a real intelligent conversation with and I can't say that about a lot of my friends. He is probably smarter than most of the people we hang out with. He makes me laugh. He makes me smile. I just want to be around him. Half the time I don't even want to have sex with him. I just want to see him and be in his company. I just keep thinking one day he will tell me he feels the same way. And I am not crazy he has told me his feelings before, days after I told him I first had feelings for him. But that is another story.

Always- LSG

My Personal Time

Warning!!- this post most deffinately had adult material. Read at own risk.

As most twenty-three year olds, I love having sex. And it's not so much the orgasm part, it's more about the intimacy with the other person. I love sex whether I get off or not. It does matter that much to me. When I really want an orgasm though I tend to go it alone. I seem to have a better time at getting it done myself and it is usually more intense. What is really great though is tending to myself while a man is lying in bed next to me holding me.

To get to the point though, the thing about going it alone is that when I am done I always crave the touch of a man. It's not that it makes me more horny and want to have sex after I just... Well it's hard to explain. I just want to touch a man and a man to touch me. Maybe a man to lie next to me and hold me. That's the thing. It's when I am done, I feel kind of sad. Because I want someone next to me so bad. The entire time it is totally cool just being all by myself. Sometimes I even prefer doing the deed all alone, but when it's over I want a man.

Many times when I am finished I start texting John. Sometimes I tell him what I've been doing and other times I don't. Usually I try to make plans to see him later in the week.

I really just wanted to write these feelings down and get them out. Does anyone else understand what I'm trying to say??
Always- LSG

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Finals are this week so I don't really have any time to post. I do have a lot to say though so I must wait til I can find the time. Have agreat week.

Always- LSG

Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Adult Warning

I just changed my blog to warn about adult content. I am not saying that this blog is about to go R-rated or anything. It is about a single 20-something though. Sometimes things may get a little sexy, and I don't want to upset anyone. That is why I have added the adult content warning in order to enter the blog. If I do get too R-rated and it becomes offensive let me know in a nice way. I am not here to offend anyone. I am just trying to tell my story. And the story of a 20-something single will sometimes include adult content. Thank you for understanding.

Always- LSG

The Friend with Benefits Series: 1

When you are a single a friend with benefits can be a marvelous thing. I have had the same FwB for almost two years now. We will call him John. John is, of course, single and 28, and usually works out great.
This series of blogs will consist of two types: Past and Present. Past blogs will continue the ongoing narrative of the course of John and I's relationship, if I can call it that. For a FwB it sure is a lot more complicated that it should be. Present blogs will let you know what is currently going on with John and I.

Some FwBs are just that. They are friends that show up when you need them and leave when you type together has been completed. John and I are different though. Our relationship has been through a lot more than just sex. Currently we do both have feelings for eachother, but are better keeping things the way they are. We have tried the dating thing before and it just doesn't work for us. He isn't good at being a boyfriend, and I want more than he is willing to give me. We are friends. He is probably one of my best guy friends. When we get together, it is always more than just sex. We hang out, we talk, we have fun, we enjoy eachother as humans and not just sex objects. Sometimes I want more from him that just a FwB, but I know that things are good how they are now. I do care deeply about him and I know he cares about me. I don't know if anything will happen to us in the end. But for now I am just happy he is in my life, that we get to share in friendship and a sexual relationship both.

For the record John and I do have rules. We don't sleep with other people when our FwB relationship is on. It is just safer that way. We have in the past been off and were with other people during those times. We can date other people, but when that becomes physical we usually go into an off state. We always seem to return to an on state, however. We just can't seem to stay away from eachother.

Always- LSG

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Was it Love or All a Lie?

Last fall a close guy friend,we'll call Zac, of mine and I decided to start dating. We had known each other for awhile and had been spending a lot of time together. We started to grow feelings for eachother. We only dated for like five weeks, but those weeks were the best five weeks ever with a guy. We did everything together and spent all our time together. He treated me like no other guy had treated me. I said I love you. He said I love you. We even began to make plans for the future. Things were moving so fast, but for some reason it felt right. Not to mention it was some of the best sex of my life. We seemed to just fit so perfect.

Then one night we had plans together. I hadn't seen him in a couple of days because I had been really busy with school. He said he couldn't hang out because he had to do a favour for a friend. I was little perturbed.
Later that night I texted him to apologize for being short with him, but he never answered. He didn't talk to me for a couple of days and continued to ignore me. I wasn't going to put up with this. What was his problem? I didn't deserve to be treated like this so I went to his house and got my stuff. He was asleep in his bed when I got there. I gathered my things and asked him why he was doing this. He said he needed space. Well then he should have told me that instead of ignoring me.

I left angry, upset, hurt, and every other feeling that was possible. He said we would discuss it later. Days went by and he still wouldn't talk. I just wanted to know was it over or not? He couldn't give me a straight answer. After about a week and half of this he told me he didn't have room in his life for a girlfriend and again that he needed space.

The problem is, not a week later, his ex-girlfriend moved into his house. WTF? How could he get space with her living in his room. He shared a house with three other guys. The place was full.

I assume that he didn't need space, but that he just didn't want me and didn't want to tell me that. I don't get why he would treat a person like this. He told me he loved me and he promised me the world. I know people break up, but if you love someone you should at least have the decentsy to give them a proper break up instead of just ignoring them. I don't know if he really loved me or not. He says he did, but I don't know that I believe that. You don't treat people you love like that. I would have been a lot better with a real break up. I deserve that.

I tell myself that I never loved him and that it was all a lie. I don't understand though what was the point. He just kept me around until he got his ex back??

I am already a cynic. But this just made it worse. I have been burned before but this was the worst time ever. I felt even more that love wasn't real, because love doesn't ignore and throw you away. Love gives you a respectable breakup.

We are still friends with the same people and I see Zac ocasionally. Pretty much we pretend that eachother don't exist. We don't even look at eachother. He knows I want nothing to do with him and for some reason he actually respects that. His ex still lives with him and thats all I know about that. I am better off though. Apparently he tells all his girlfriends that he loves them and that he wants to marry them. I was just another name on a list.

I think the reason I was so into the whole idea of US and the things he was telling me about our future is because of the world around me. Everyone else was hooking up or getting married and I felt like I was being left behind. I was (and am) the last single girl. I clung to this. I grabbed on tight. I guess I hoped he would save me from singledom or something.
I have grown stronger since then and grown more into my state of singleness. I will never let another man do to my heart what Zac did to mine. When I see him I still feel that pain inside. He hurt me. He lied to me. He ignored. He disrespected me. No girl deserves this. We have to be strong and see past the facade of love, when if fact it is only a facade.

Always- LSG

Tidbits: 2

I went to my annual girly doctor appointment today. I do not understand the way a doctor's office works. I waited in the waiting room with others for like an hour, because dr. had a delivery. That is totally understandable. What I don't understand is why call me into the little room if you are not ready for me? I hear my name, and I get all excited. I get to finally see the doctor. WRONG! I get to strip down and sit in a smaller, colder room. And the whole time I can hear the doc out in the hall, and going into other rooms. If he is not ready to see me then let me wait in the waiting room, with my clothes on, with the other people waiting. Why must doctors call you in before they want to see you? Why get you all excited and then make you wait even longer, alone and naked? Just leave me in the waiting room until the doc is actually ready to see me. Stop faking us out.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Drawbacks of Being Single: 1

There are many drawbacks of being a single girl. One is when you have a problem and there is no mans for you to call. No mans that will rush to your aide as soon as you need him. The single girl has to rely on friends and family, who are not as willing to rush to you in your type of need. Today I had one such problem. After leaving class I walked to my car( Baby car) in order to go home. The only problem was that my car was missing. It had been towed and this had happened before. My university is notorious for not having adequate parking. I knew the procedure.

Instead of calling a boyfriend to come get me and comfort me, I called my mom who proceeded to yell at me. I was interupting her day because I was stupid. This is being single. A boyfriend would have felt bad for me and come to my rescue. My mom didn't want to come to my rescue, but did and continued to yell at me the whole time. These are the drawbacks of being single.

Always- LSG

Monday, May 4, 2009

Tidbits: 1

There is nothing like going out to dinner with a girlfriend to make yourself feel even stronger about the state of being single. Jennifer and I went to eat tonight. We sat at the bar while we waited for a table. The bartender was a hottie.

Then at dinner our waiter was a redhead. Jen and I both have a thing for redheads. Too bad I wasn't wearing makeup, and had on a tshirt from a local bar.

Anyhow, I enjoyed the evening. Girltalk is the best. It makes you want indulge yourself in the privilege of being a woman.

Always- LSG

The One That Got Away Got Married

We all have that one that got away. Mine, we'll call Sam. I met Sam four years ago, April. We immediately hit it off and began dating. In just a few weeks, he found out that his ex-girlfriend was pregnant. We decided to break things off, but still be friends. The problem is we couldn't stay away from eachother. We were falling in love.

That winter the baby was born, and the following spring we had to finally and truly break things off. He moved a few states away in an attempt to follow his baby's mother. We continued to talk on the phone and keep up with one another. Even when I started dating someone else he was still there for me.

Getting over him was hard. I still consider him the only man that I have ever loved. He compares to no other man I have ever been with. He felt like the one at the time, but we both knew it wouldn't last. When he moved we both knew it was best for him. I eventually accepted it and moved on, but I have never forgotten about him, even when we stopped talking a couple years back.

About two weeks ago, I joined the ever popular fad of social networking by finally getting a Facebook page. I decided to look Sam up to see what he had been up to. I found him. His profile pic was of him and his child. I thought, hey I can friend him there is no harm in that. A few hours later he accepted my friendship, and I went to check out his page, starting with his info. There it was....


I immediately turned off the internet and went to bed. I didn't want to read anymore.

I didn't seem to sleep all night. I tossed and turned. All I could think was that he was married. Now I wasn't wishing it was me; it was just such a shock. I knew that we had both moved on. It had been two years since we had last spoken even. But married? How could he be married? I may have been a tad envious of her, but I didn't want to be her. I don't want to be married. And while he is still the only man I ever loved, I don't even want to be with him. It's just weird. My first real boyfriend got married like a year ago and it was and is no big deal at all. But with Sam it is different. I really loved him. Now someone else has his love. I feel like I am no longer allowed to be apart of his life or his memory.

He still lives states away with her and his child, and I think she is even pregnant. I am happy for him though. I loved him and I, of course, want him to have everything. That's all I ever wanted for him. He made me realize with true love that you can let the person go. He left and while it hurt, I was happy that he was going to be a daddy. I miss him; I do, but this is life. He is married. I am single. Tomorrow is a new day.

Always- LSG

Sunday, May 3, 2009

First Post of the Last Single

Do you ever feel like you are the last single person in the world??
Now don't get me wrong. I love being single and have a current fear of marriage, but I feel like the whole planet is paired up and looking at me, waiting and watching. What will she do next? Will she ever find someone? Why don't you have a boyfriend?
It gets old fast. I may be only twenty-three and to many people that is a perfect age to be single, and I agree; it is. The problem is everyone around me. Everyone around me is in a long term relationship, or engaged, or married. Out of my best girlfriends, I am the only single one.
And then there is all the trying to find me someone. Everyone knows someone that would be perfect for me. They recomend a guy at their work. Or my cousin's best friend. I really don't need their help. If I really wanted a boyfriend, then I would probably go get one. I am just not interested enough. I am content knowing that I only answer to me and that all my time is for me. It's great actually. I just want to find others like me who can accept the single woman.