Saturday, June 6, 2009

Secret Weapon

Every single girl has their secret weapon when they are going out. Maybe it's stilletos, or a push-up bra. Mine is ginger soufflé and Italian perfume.

Origins makes a Ginger Souffle which is my favourite thing to wear to get a guys attention. It is a thick body cream. Ginger, for those of you that don't know, is an aphrodisiac, or so they say. It is even said that Madame DuBerry, mistress to Louis XV, used ginger perfume to seduce him. I usually just use it on my arms, but sometimes on my whole body.

My Italian perfume is none other than Givenchy's Very Irrestible. I have the purple one and the red one. There is also a pink one and a new summer one. It is a very sensual scent. I always get compliments when I wear it.

So I combine the two, Ginger Souffle and Italian Perfume, works like a charm. Will definitely get a man's attention. No, it won't work like a love potion. They won't fall in love with you or ask you to marry them, but it will definitely get their attention. And if you're lucky they might even follow you home.

Always- LSG


  1. mmm...i will definately have to try out the ginger scent :) thanks for the suggestions!

  2. I’m always amazed at how scent can either make or break whether a guy is into you. And guys remember your scent too. A while back ago I was chatting with my ex and he told me he had walked into a bookstore, smelled my perfume on another girl and thought of me. I didn’t know ginger was an aphrodisiac tho. :D

  3. Ooh, I definitely want to check out that ginger scent! I have an old one from BABW from a long time ago... maybe I should pull it the next time I hit the town? ;)
