Sunday, June 14, 2009

Being Single= Against Status Quo??

When will we learn to love ourselves? When will we be comfortable being alone? When will the world and life stop focusing on being in a couple?

I don't understand why everything and everyone in this life is focused on finding the one and being in a couple, even if he is not the one. I was watching television and this girl is going on about how she isn't with anyone and is still spending her life trying to find that one person. Why should the purposed or goal of one's life be trying to find someone else to complete them.

Growing up we are taught how life "should" be. That we graduate high school. Then go to college. Maybe we finish or maybe we don't, but that is the time when we are supposed to find our other half. Then marriage and then children. Then our lives will be complete and we can finally be happy. Why do our lives have to fit into some formula created by the status quo?

I don't want to focus the best years of my life on trying to find some other person that is supposedly going to complete me. It's hard though. I don't fit into the status quo. I graduated college. I am now going to law school. My goal is to then start practice at my father's law firm. Maybe one day even be a partner with him. I hope to buy a house, on my own, without the help of a man. If a man comes into my life at any point then it will be fine. I just don't want to focus my life on trying to find a man.

My life is about me. No one can complete me. Only I can complete myself. No man can complete me. He may enhance my life, but I don't think he should make or break my life and my happiness. Most women my age are trying to get married and have children. But that is not my path. I want to have a career. I want to be successful. I have chosen a different path than the average 20-something woman.

But the world is still telling me that I should be focusing on finding a man. Family, friends, media, etc. is all saying that the goal of life is to be happily married with children. Why are we listening to this and why are we teaching the younger genreations this? Shouldn't the status quo be finding happiness with one's self and not with one's partner? I can't change the world. All I can try to do is live in it with my ideas on life and try to succeed.

Always- LSG


  1. Agree wholeheartedly. Why must our happiness depend on a person?

    Forge on, single women!

  2. wow, such wonderful points. i think i need to start putting this to use in my life.

  3. The "You Complete Me" concept sends me into angry fits! NO ONE can COMPLETE you... (I'm not yelling at you, LSG, agreeing!) YOU have to be a complete person in order to be happy in a relationship and then find someone who COMPLEMENTS you. Not completes you. I think this is where the stereotypes screw everything up in teaching young girls that they'll never be a complete person until they find the right guy to "complete" them. It's so wrong.

  4. Thanks for sharing mate, nice blog and very useful post you wrote!
