Friday, June 12, 2009


I never heard from Crush after our nite of making out. While I figured I wouldn't hear from him, because most guys are full of shit when they say they like you and will call you, I was still hopeful.

Sara did give me some insider information the other day though. Her husband was hanging out with Crush. That nite I was with Crush, there was this other guy, CT, who also spent the whole nite hitting on me. So Sara's husband says to Crush- ' I hear you and CT were both hitting on LSG the other nite.' Crush responds- ' Well it looks like I won.'

While I should just move on and brush this off it really got to me. I have never really felt like an object before. I totally feel like I was just a prize for the two of them to fight over. I was just something to win. But how did Crush win really? I didn't have sex with him. We just made out. I don't think that is anything for him to go around bragging about, unless he is telling the guys that he did have sex with me. That's just not cool.

I just don't get it. It is the same thing over and over again with every guy. Crush said he liked me. He said he had been digging me for awhile, even while he was with T. He said we had to hang out again and that he wanted to make plans for the weekend. Now I know he was full of shit. it was all a line. But why conitnue with the stupid I like you game to get a girl into bed when I made it clear that I was not going to sleep with im that night.

I just wish guys would be straight up. Okay, I understand that men may be too afraid to say I don't like you but you don't have to say things that you are afraid to say or that you think will hurt us. Although if you say I don't like you, that's okay. I am a big girl, I can handle it. Plus I would rather hear that then hear that you do like me and sit around hoping you call and you never do. How about men just learn to say nothing. Don't say I like you if you don't mean it. Don't say you want to hang out again if you don't mean it. Don't say that you will call me if you don't mean it. Don't give me any reason to expect a call from you when you know you will never call me. I want the truth not some game. Or how about this- Nice to meet you. Have a good nite. or a simple Good Bye and Good Night.

This makes me so angry. Men wonder why girls are psycho and shit. Well we are not psycho. You just send us all the mixed signals. Stop saying you will call and tell us the truth.

And don't objectify us!! (Unless it's in the bedroom and we ask you to.) I am a person. I am not someting for you to win. I can understand chivalry, like trying to win my affection or my heart. But don't try to win me as a game or a prize. I am a woman.

Always- LSG


  1. omg LSG you're so right. they love accusing us of being psycho but they're the ones playing stupid games.
    maybe it's time we start objectifying men too :)

  2. I think if it's the same with every guy, then you need to find the common denominator hun.

    Start playing hard to get, and give jerks te swerve :-)

  3. The Last SIngle GirlJune 14, 2009 at 12:51 PM

    yes, it may be the same girl in all the situations, but that does not mean i have to hear the same bullshit lines over and over. Just stop. stop lying, stop trying to be nice, it doesn't make u any nicer. tell me you don't wanna call. or don't say anything at all. but don't give me another line. it is not my fault guys feel the need to feed us lines. I don't know why they do it. it just pisses me off.

  4. I agree with you about the same lines and lies. I would rather be told the truth than lied to. I think most girls (with a brain) would. When you lie to me, it takes away my right to make a decision because I don't have all the facts. I agree that we have to look at ourselves, but sometimes... well sometimes we just need chocolate and to say that "Boys are just stupid." Though not all fo them are. :)
