Pursuit from Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Matching Accessories- http://pursuitofmatchingaccessories.blogspot.com/-
tagged me for a blog award.
The goals of this award...
1. As a dedication to those who love blogging and love to encourage friendships through blogging
2. To seek the reasons why we all love blogging
3. Put the award in one post as soon as you receive it!
4. Don't forget to mention the person who gave you the award5. Answer the awards question by writing the reason you love blogging
I like blogging because I can rant about my life and tell my stories without having to worry that others are judging me. I can talk to people who aren't present (in person) in my everyday life about what is going on. Like Pursuit said, it is like a diary. I only starting blogging like a month ago but I am loving it. I like reading other people's blogs and comparing our lives.
6. Tag and distribute this award to as many people as you like. Don't forget to notify the award receivers and put their links in your postSo here goes! I'm tagging:
Pursuit already tagged some of the people that I would have tagged and I am a new blogger so I don't have a ton of blogs that I read. I will tag the very first blog I found and started reading.
Victoria from Advice from a Single Girl. -http://advicefromasinglegirl.blogspot.com/
She blogs almost every day like clockwork and is entertaining, even when her blogs are just a sentence. She is very good at getting her readers involved in the conversation
Thanks Pursuit!!
Always- LSG
You're welcome! :)